Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Referendum Drives That Target The Arizona Immigration Law Dropped!

This Monday in Phoenix two proposed referendum drives aimed at challenging Arizona's new law targeting illegal immigrants are being abandoned. The Arizona law will take effect this 29th of July if it is not blocked by court injunctions requested under at least three of four legal suits already filed by several groups and individuals. Andrew Chavez, a professional petition circulator, who was involved with one of the referendum drive efforts said that backers of the drive pulled out after concluding that they may not be able to time their petition filings in such a way as to put the law on hold, pending a 2012 public vote. The Chief organizer of the other referendum drive, Jon Garrido, claimed the end to his referendum drive happened because of the belief that the Arizona's immigration reform law on would have been legally protected under Arizona's constitution if it was approved by Arizona's voters. Unfortunately as of late, no hearings have been set for the lawsuits against Arizona's immigration law but it is speculated that the lawsuits will be consolidated into one case before a single judge. Currently the four legal suits filed in the U.S. District Court in Phoenix have been randomly designated to different judges but several more major civil groups are expected to file other suits, possibly even this week. The fact that these drives were abandoned is a real shame and so far it still looks like a tough road ahead for comprehensive immigration reform and a wait for Capitol hill to step it up.

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/11/ariz-referendum-drives-targeting-new-law-dropped/

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