Saturday, May 8, 2010

After Health Care Reform, Is Immigration Reform Achievable?

Many say Arizona's stringent new law demands immigration reform from Washington. But Congress may not be ready for another political showdown so soon after health-care reform.

May 8, 2010

With everything going on in congress right now with the healthcare reform, immigration is not getting the full attention it should at this time. On Cinco De Mayo president Obama made a speech about the importance of immigration reform, and also how he sees it being a part of discrimination. Right now democrats are wanting to put a vote on immigration reform, we will see if this actually happens. Senate majority leader Harry Reid, democrat of Nevada, from trying to keep alive efforts to bring alive immigration overhaul to vote this year. Senate Democrats discovered a new proposal for reform late last month, stressing security first, then a pathway to legalization for the estimate 10.8 million people in the country illegally. The Democrats are making a long shot effort to attract republican support but so far they are not having much luck. Bellow I have a video that you can enjoy to get more information on this article.

By LINDA FELDMANN, The Christian Science Monitor

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