Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Immigration Reform Unhinges Congressman

May 18, 2010

Even before Arizona’s highly controversial immigration law was signed by Governor Jan Brewer, Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez was already making threats. Gutierrez is the chairman of the Democratic Caucus Immigration Task Force and he is fond of portentous pronouncements. Either pass the immigration reform this year or Latinos will not vote in November.
In fact, Gutierrez continues to threaten his Democratic colleagues with a wide specter of Latinos sitting out on the November mid-term-elections unless the whole political establishment changes gears and delivers comprehensive immigration reform before the August Congressional recess. Voters should realize, however, that to sit at the sidelines will only give their rivals a chance to gain the advantage and not really solve anything. Considering, for example, that as much as the news makes it seem unlikely with all its coverage of the outrage civil liberties groups and some individuals feel over the Arizona immigration reform, national polls show that 60% of people or more actually agree with the law. Although Gutierrez' speeches may play well with Latinos and undocumented people desperate for a chance at the American Dream they are not a replacement for a real political strategy to persuade legislators.


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